New Content - Bonus Family Photography Chapters
Oct 06, 2023
We added 2 new bonus lessons in September 2023. Since we are in the middle of Fall Family Photography Season, we thought we'd add two new short written lessons to the workshop based on some FAQs we received in the community.
You can access the two bonus chapters here:
1. Marketing Hacks for Mini Sessions
Mini sessions are a fantastic way for photographers to offer quick and efficient services, and they're relatively easy to set up. However, getting them fully booked can be a daunting task, especially for those who are new to the industry. You might be delivering an exceptional product, but without the appropriate marketing approach and language, those slots could remain empty. It's not just about offering a service; it's about selling it effectively. For those aiming to ensure a full booking calendar, here are some secret marketing hacks tailored for mini sessions. (Read More)
2. Separate Brand and Website For Family Photography?
In photography, perceived specialization plays a pivotal role. Imagine someone seeking a photographer for a family session — upon encountering a portfolio filled with wedding photos or corporate headshots, they might feel disconnected from the offering. At the first point of contact, you want your potential client to feel like they’ve found the solution to their needs. This brings us to the question: should you separate your brands based on the variety of services you offer? Should you create a separate website? Are there any alternatives? Let's explore the options in this short article. (Read More)
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