[Free] 48-Hour Tutorial Access

2-Light Stacks for Portraits with Depth

In one of our most popular start-to-finish tutorials from our premium workshop "Lighting 3 | Advanced Off Camera Flash," we show you how to use multiple "stacked" flashes to refine and perfect your image.  Gain 48 hour access below.

Note: Workshop purchasers and premium members already have access to this tutorial.


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Why "Stack" 2 Flashes?

First Light Source = Fill the Scene

The first light source is used to provide controlled, directional light for the scene. Many photographers stop here and take it straight to Photoshop.  But we teach you that there is so much more you can do.

Second Light Source = Add Dimension

The second light source, "stacked " in front of the first, adds dimension, shape, and in-camera dodging and burning.  This perfects the image and leaves the viewer wondering, "how did they do that?"

This technique results in the image below, straight out of camera (before any post production).

Final Images

This 36-minute free tutorial includes the shooting demonstration, lighting instruction AND post production for the following images:


What People Are Saying About Lighting 3

"Pye and the team at SLR Lounge have always been my go-to educators when it comes to learning lighting because they teach incredibly complex techniques in a simple, easy to follow presentation. Pyeā€™s relevant, real-world experience on how to make baller lighting is second to noneā€”especially for on-the-go photographers that shoot in high-paced and constantly changing environments. The opportunity to partner with SLR Lounge as experts in lighting education is a no brainer. They get it!"
- Spencer Boerup, Magmod Founder

This stacked light technique to accentuate face is just awesome and would probably never occur to me on my own without this tutorial!
- Jiri B, Workshop Member

What's great about these tutorials is not only the technical set-up etc, which one would expect, but the extra detail, which although I have shot a few of these setups (not as expertly or I wouldn't be watching!), I had often not managed to quantify why a shot doesn't work or doesn't feel right. Details such as the client not looking into the camera in this one seems obvious, but personally I hadn't registered exactly why I didn't like some of my own shots, and this is like a lightbulb moment.......
- Tessa S, Premium Member

This was an awesome workshop. A ton of useful information. I will be returning to portions of it to review and refresh my memory as I practice the techniques. Great job everyone!
- Musicalgal1, Premium Member

Wow, this is soooooooo good, i absolutely love this course, great techniques and easy to understand. I was also impressed with the film production, great job Pye and crew!
- Timothy B, Premium Member

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